Boris Johnson

Born: June 19, 1964

19 juni 1964

7 juni 2001

4 mei 2008

23 juni 2016

13 juli 2016

9 juli 2018

23 juli 2019

24 juli 2019

12 december 2019

31 januari 2020

27 maart 2020

24 december 2020

6 mei 2021

8 december 2021

24 februari 2022

7 juli 2022

19 June 1964

Birth of Boris Johnson

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was born on June 19, 1964, in New York City, USA, to British parents. His father, Stanley Johnson, was a former Conservative Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and his mother, Charlotte Johnson Wahl, was a painter. Born with dual citizenship, Johnson spent part of his childhood in New York and Washington D.C., later relocating to the United Kingdom.

07 June 2001

Elected as Member of Parliament

In June 2001, Boris Johnson was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Henley, a position he held until 2008. During his time in Parliament, Johnson became known for his colorful personality and outspoken nature, often making headlines with his remarks and activities. His tenure in Henley helped solidify his status as a prominent figure in British politics.

04 May 2008

Mayor of London

Boris Johnson was elected Mayor of London in 2008, defeating incumbent Ken Livingstone. During his two terms as Mayor, Johnson implemented several key policies, including introducing the 'Boris Bikes' cycle hire scheme and advocating for major infrastructure projects like Crossrail. He also sought to balance the city's budget and oversee preparations for the 2012 Olympic Games.

23 June 2016

Brexit Referendum Campaign

Boris Johnson played a significant role in the Brexit referendum campaign, championing the 'Leave' side. His support was instrumental in the June 23, 2016, vote, where the majority of the UK electorate decided to leave the European Union. Johnson's advocacy for Brexit propelled him into the spotlight and cemented his position as a key figure in the Conservative Party.

13 July 2016

Appointed Foreign Secretary

Following Theresa May's ascendancy to the position of Prime Minister in July 2016, Boris Johnson was appointed as the Foreign Secretary. In this role, Johnson was responsible for overseeing UK foreign policy amid the complex and contentious negotiations surrounding Brexit. His tenure was marked by a series of diplomatic challenges and controversies, impacting the global perception of Britain.

09 July 2018

Resignation as Foreign Secretary

On July 9, 2018, Boris Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary in protest of Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit strategy, particularly her Chequers plan. His resignation highlighted the deep divisions within the Conservative Party over Brexit and paved the way for his eventual leadership bid. Johnson's departure marked a significant turning point in the ongoing Brexit saga.

23 July 2019

Wins Conservative Leadership

Boris Johnson won the Conservative Party leadership contest on July 23, 2019, defeating rival Jeremy Hunt. His victory made him the leader of the Conservative Party and positioned him to become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Johnson's leadership was characterized by his promise to deliver Brexit and to unite the country following years of political turmoil.

24 July 2019

Becomes Prime Minister

On July 24, 2019, Boris Johnson formally became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, succeeding Theresa May. As Prime Minister, Johnson faced the immediate challenge of resolving the Brexit impasse and fulfilling his pledge to leave the European Union. His premiership began with a focus on renegotiating the Brexit deal and preparing for either deal or no-deal Brexit outcomes.

12 December 2019

General Election Victory

Boris Johnson led the Conservative Party to a decisive victory in the general election held on December 12, 2019. The Conservatives won an 80-seat majority in the House of Commons, providing Johnson with a strong mandate to pursue his Brexit agenda. This election solidified Johnson's position as Prime Minister and demonstrated significant public support for his policies.

31 January 2020

UK Exits the European Union

On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union, fulfilling one of Boris Johnson's central campaign promises. The event marked the end of a 47-year relationship with the EU and initiated a transition period during which the UK worked on negotiating future arrangements. Johnson hailed it as a historic moment of national renewal and opportunity.

27 March 2020

Tests Positive for COVID-19

Boris Johnson announced on March 27, 2020, that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and would self-isolate. His diagnosis came during the early, critical stages of the pandemic in the UK. Johnson's condition worsened, leading to his hospital admission and eventually intensive care, highlighting the serious threat posed by the virus and temporarily disrupting government operations.

24 December 2020

Post-Brexit Trade Deal

On December 24, 2020, Boris Johnson announced that the UK had reached a post-Brexit trade agreement with the European Union, known as the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The deal outlined the future relationship between the UK and the EU, covering trade, security, and other areas of cooperation. The agreement was seen as a crucial step in stabilizing UK-EU relations post-Brexit.

06 May 2021

Local Elections

The local elections held on May 6, 2021, were a significant test of Boris Johnson's leadership. The Conservative Party performed strongly, gaining key councils and seats across England, particularly in traditional Labour strongholds. These results were interpreted as a vote of confidence in Johnson's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his broader political agenda.

08 December 2021

Allegations of COVID-19 Rule Breaking

On December 8, 2021, reports surfaced alleging that gatherings and parties had taken place at 10 Downing Street during COVID-19 lockdowns, violating the government's own restrictions. Boris Johnson faced significant criticism and calls for accountability. These events led to investigations and mounting pressure on his leadership, casting a shadow over his premiership.

24 February 2022

Response to Russian Invasion of Ukraine

In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Boris Johnson condemned the attack and announced a package of economic sanctions targeting Russian interests. The UK supported Ukraine with military aid and diplomatic efforts, with Johnson taking a leading role in the international community's response to the crisis. His actions solidified the UK's stance against Russian aggression.

07 July 2022

Resignation as Conservative Party Leader

On July 7, 2022, Boris Johnson announced his resignation as leader of the Conservative Party following escalating controversies, including COVID-19 rule-breaking allegations and a wider loss of support from his cabinet and party members. Johnson's resignation marked the end of a tumultuous premiership, triggering a leadership contest to find his successor.


Frequently asked questions about Boris Johnson

Discover commonly asked questions regarding Boris Johnson. If there are any questions we may have overlooked, please let us know.

When did Boris Johnson resign as the leader of the Conservative Party?

What were some of the controversies during Boris Johnson's tenure as Prime Minister?

When did Boris Johnson become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

What major event did Boris Johnson lead the UK through during his time as Prime Minister?

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