Bill Clinton

Timeline of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, known for his charisma and political acumen. He presided over a period of economic prosperity and faced significant political challenges, including impeachment proceedings stemming from a scandal involving his personal conduct.

August 19, 1946
Hope, Arkansas, United States

19 August 1946

7 November 1978

3 November 1992

20 January 1993

22 August 1994

22 August 1996

19 December 1998

12 February 1999

19 November 1999

20 January 2001

19 August 1946

Birth of Bill Clinton

William Jefferson Blythe III, who would later take the name Bill Clinton, was born in Hope, Arkansas. He became the 42nd President of the United States.

07 November 1978

Bill Clinton becomes Governor of Arkansas

Bill Clinton was elected as the 50th governor of Arkansas at the age of 32, making him one of the youngest governors in the history of the United States at the time.

03 November 1992

Election as President

Bill Clinton was elected as the 42nd President of the United States, defeating incumbent President George H. W. Bush and businessman Ross Perot in the election.

20 January 1993

Inauguration as President

Bill Clinton was inaugurated as President, and he outlined his vision for a new America, emphasizing service, responsibility, and community.

22 August 1994

Introduction of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act

Bill Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act into law, which was the largest crime bill in U.S. history and included the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

22 August 1996

Signing of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Bill Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which was a significant welfare reform.

19 December 1998

Impeachment by the House of Representatives

President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on grounds of perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice related to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

12 February 1999

Acquittal by the Senate

Bill Clinton was acquitted by the Senate, and thus, remained in office following the impeachment trial related to the Lewinsky scandal.

19 November 1999

Clinton Doctrine announced

The Clinton Doctrine was articulated, which stated the United States would intervene in foreign conflicts if it could stop the spread of genocide or ethnic cleansing.

20 January 2001

End of Presidency

Bill Clinton's presidency ended with the inauguration of his successor, President George W. Bush. Clinton left office with a high approval rating and continued to engage in public speaking and humanitarian work.

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