Tenzin Gyatso 14th Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso 14th Dalai Lama

Timeline of Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama), the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, revered by millions worldwide for his teachings on compassion, nonviolence, and inner peace.


July 06, 1935


Taktser (Hongya Village), China


Spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism


a traditional monastic education in Tibet, focusing on Buddhist philosophy, meditation, and other spiritual practices from a young age. However, he did not pursue formal academic education in the traditional sense.
06 July 1935

Birth of Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)

Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, is born in Taktser, Amdo, Tibet. He is born to a farming family and named Lhamo Dhondup.

26 October 1939

Enthronement as the 14th Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso is enthroned as the 14th Dalai Lama at the age of four, two years after being recognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama.

17 November 1950

Assumption of Temporal Power

At the age of 15, Tenzin Gyatso assumes full political power after China's invasion of Tibet, making him the youngest leader to take such responsibility.

10 March 1959

Tibetan Uprising in Lhasa and Fleeing to India

An uprising occurs in Lhasa, Tibet, against Chinese rule. The failure of the resistance ultimately leads to the Dalai Lama fleeing to India, where he is granted political asylum.

17 March 1963

Introduces a Democratic Constitution for the Tibetan Exile Community

The Dalai Lama introduces a democratic constitution for the Tibetan exile community, emphasizing the need for reform and the establishment of a democratic political system.

21 September 1987

Proposes his Five Point Peace Plan for Tibet

Addressing the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in Washington, D.C., the Dalai Lama proposes his Five Point Peace Plan for Tibet, which includes the transformation of the entire country into a zone of peace.

05 October 1989

Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

The Dalai Lama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent struggle for the liberation of Tibet and his efforts for a peaceful resolution instead of using violence.

14 March 2011

Retirement from Political Leadership

Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama) officially retires from political leadership in the Tibetan government-in-exile. This marks a historic shift, ensuring the separation of church and state for the Tibetan people.

06 July 2015

80th Birthday Celebrations

Global celebrations take place in honor of the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday, recognizing his life's work and commitment to non-violence and compassion.

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