Battle of the Bulge World War 2

3 december 1944

5 december 1944

15 december 1944

16 december 1944

17 december 1944

18 december 1944

19 december 1944

20 december 1944

21 december 1944

25 december 1944

1 januari 1945

6 januari 1945

03 December 1944

Lead up to the Battle

Following their rapid advances from Normandy in late July 1944 and the subsequent landings in southern France on August 15, 1944, the Allied forces progressed towards Germany faster than expected. This swift movement led to significant logistical challenges, including exhausted troops from continuous combat, overstretched supply lines, and critically low supplies.

By December 1944, General Dwight D. Eisenhower and his team chose to use the Ardennes region primarily as a recovery zone for the U.S. First Army, assigning it limited operational goals. The area was defended minimally by the Allies, taking advantage of its naturally defensive terrain—dense forests, deep river valleys, and sparse roads—and the belief that the German forces were similarly using the nearby territory for troop recuperation.


05 December 1944

Strategy of the German Army for the Battle

The primary goal of the German army in this battle was to split the British and American lines and capture the vital Belgian port of Antwerp. The strategy was to launch a surprise attack through the Ardennes Forest—a region considered less defensible and therefore less guarded—to exploit the element of surprise and the difficult terrain, which was believed to be advantageous for the attackers.

The offensive was planned in secrecy, with the Germans hoping to repeat their successful Ardennes assault of 1940. The strategy involved quickly penetrating the thin American defenses in the Ardennes, capturing bridges over the Meuse River, and then advancing to encircle four Allied armies, forcing the Western Allies to negotiate a peace treaty in the Axis powers' favor. To achieve this, the Germans utilized a combination of mechanized infantry, tanks, and paratroopers, supported by heavy artillery.


15 December 1944

Strength Combatants of the Battle of the Bulge


Allied Forces: The Allies initially had around 230.000 troops in the Ardennes, but this number grew significantly as the battle progressed. By the end, approximately 700.000 Allied troops were involved.

German Forces: Germany started the offensive with approximately 405.000 men, and at its peak, the German strength reached around 500,000 troops. This included some of the best remaining armored units, such as the SS Panzer divisions. At the end of the battle, this number had dropped to 383.000 soldiers. 

BelligerentsStrength: 16 December 1944Strength:  16 January 1945
Allies (USA, Canada, UK)230.000 soldiers700.000 soldiers
Axis (Germany)405.000 soldiers383.000 soldiers



16 December 1944

Day 1: German Offensive Begins

Early in the morning, under cover of darkness and bad weather, the German army launched a massive surprise attack against the Allied forces along an 85-mile front in the Ardennes region of Belgium. The aim was to break through the thinly spread, inexperienced American units stationed there. The Germans achieved early success due to the surprise of the attack, the initial overwhelming force, and the poor weather conditions, limiting the Allied air support. They utilized a mix of infantry and armored divisions to punch through American lines.

German forces quickly captured several key towns and crossroads on the first day, pushing deep into the Allied lines. Their movement was facilitated by poor visibility, which prevented early detection and response by the Allied forces.


The Allied command was initially confused by the scale and intensity of the attack. Responses were slow, as the fog of war, combined with the surprise and weather conditions, led to delayed reports and underestimation of the German capabilities and objectives.

Despite being surprised and initially overwhelmed, individual American units fought stubbornly and valiantly, often delaying the German advance significantly even when outmatched. Towns like Clervaux and St. Vith became centers of fierce resistance.

17 December 1944

Day 2: German Advance Continues and the Massacre at Malmedy

German forces continued their push through the Ardennes Forest, exploiting the element of surprise and the initial success of their offensive. The goal was to capture the vital Belgian port of Antwerp to divide the Allied forces and deplete their resources.

The harsh winter weather, including heavy snow and freezing temperatures, played a significant role in the events of the day. Poor visibility and the cold affected both sides, but initially benefited the Germans by limiting the effectiveness of Allied air support.

Some U.S. units conducted tactical withdrawals to better defendable positions when faced with overwhelming German forces. Notably, the town of St. Vith was a focal point of defense, as its control was crucial for both sides

Both sides recognized the strategic importance of key crossroads and towns, leading to fierce battles over control of these areas. The Germans aimed to capture these points to advance, while the Allies sought to hold them to stall the German advance and prepare for counterattacks
Massacre at Malmedy: One of the most infamous incidents of the day was the Malmedy massacre, where approximately 90 unarmed American prisoners of war were killed by members of the 1st SS Panzer Division led by Joachim Peiper. This war crime created a rallying cry for American forces throughout the rest of the battle.


18 December 1944

Day 3: German Progress Slows, Allied Reinforcements

Despite initial gains, the German advance began to slow due to stiffening Allied resistance and logistical challenges. The Allies reinforced their lines, and the terrain also proved challenging for the German armored divisions.

General Eisenhower ordered the movement of over 250,000 troops and additional resources to the Ardennes area to reinforce the embattled units. This included the deployment of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions to key areas like Bastogne.

19 December 1944

Day 4: Bastogne Encircled, Allied Counter Measures

By the end of the day, the town of Bastogne was surrounded by German forces. It held a strategic road junction making it critical for the German advance and the Allied defense. Roughly 11.000 allied troops, including the 101st Airborne Division, were trapped in Bastogne. 

A crucial conference at Verdun was held by senior Allied commanders to strategize a cohesive response. General Patton's Third Army was redirected northward to relieve Bastogne, signaling a major counteroffensive was taking shape.

20 December 1944

Day 5: Germans Push Towards Antwerp, Siege of Bastogne

The German offensive continued to drive towards Antwerp, aiming to split the Allied forces in two and capture the vital port. However, their progress was slower than planned, partly due to stubborn Allied resistance and logistical challenges. By this time, the Allied forces were more organized, having recovered from the initial shock of the German offensive. They began launching localized counterattacks to regain lost ground and to halt further German advances.

Siege of Bastogne: One of the most critical events was the encirclement of Bastogne. Despite being outnumbered and lacking in supplies, the American forces held their ground. The 1st Battalion, managed to destroy at least 30 German tanks with their Hellcat tank destroyers and inflicted heavy casualties (500–1,000) on the Germans in a preemptive strike. This misled the German commander into overestimating the American strength in Noville, leading him to delay further attacks and significantly slowing the German advance towards Bastogne—a strategic error that allowed the 101st Airborne Division time to fortify Bastogne

21 December 1944

Day 6-9: Siege of Bastogne Intensifies

The siege of Bastogne intensified as German forces tightened their encirclement. The town, defended by the 101st Airborne Division and other attached troops, continued to hold out despite being cut off and surrounded. The defenders faced severe shortages of food, ammunition, and medical supplies. 

The weather remained poor, with continued cold and snow, which impacted both sides. However, the adverse conditions slightly favored the defenders by hindering the attackers' ability to coordinate and sustain their offensives, especially in forested and hilly terrain. Fortunately,  on the 23rd of December 1944, the weather finally improved, clearing the skies for Allied air forces, which began to provide crucial air support. This included resupplying encircled American forces in Bastogne and conducting bombing raids on German troop concentrations and supply lines.

The German forces faced increasing logistical difficulties. The initial momentum of their surprise attack was slowing, and maintaining supply lines over the rough Ardennes terrain in winter conditions proved challenging.

One of the most famous incidents occurred when the Germans sent a surrender ultimatum to the American forces in Bastogne. General McAuliffe famously replied with a single word: "Nuts!" This defiant response became a symbol of American resilience and determination.

  Merry Christmas letter by General McAuliffe. 

25 December 1944

Day 10-16: Fighting continues during Christmas; Bastogne relieved

Despite it being Christmas, the fighting around Bastogne continued fiercely. The American defenders remained encircled but resilient, upholding their positions against repeated German assaults. Improved weather conditions allowed Allied air forces to intensify operations, providing crucial support to ground troops and further hampering German logistical efforts.

On the 26th of December, Patton’s Third Army successfully broke through the German encirclement around Bastogne, relieving the 101st Airborne Division and other trapped units. This was a significant morale booster for the Allies and marked a turning point in the battle.

The German advance began to lose momentum due to persistent supply issues, increasing Allied resistance, and the inability to capture key objectives such as Bastogne. Emboldened by the relief of Bastogne, the Allies began counterattacks at various points along the front, aiming to push the Germans back and regain lost ground.

In response to the Allied counterattacks, the Germans shifted to defensive strategies in several sectors. They reinforced their positions around key towns and crossroads to maintain control over their territorial gains. The fighting did not pause for New Year's celebrations, with both sides engaged in heavy combat. The Allies continued their counteroffensive efforts, slowly gaining ground.

01 January 1945

Day 17-21: Allied counteroffensive

On New Year's Day 1945, the German Luftwaffe launches Operation Bodenplatte. This was a major Luftwaffe campaign launched against Allied air bases in the Netherlands, Belgium, and northern France. The operation aimed to gain air superiority and relieve pressure on German ground forces, but resulted in heavy losses of aircraft and pilots, failing to achieve its strategic goals. Despite the Luftwaffe's efforts, Allied ground forces continued to pressure German positions along the Bulge, particularly around Bastogne, where they aimed to push the Germans back and stabilize the front.

On the 2nd of January, The Allied forces, led by American units, began making significant advances, regaining territory lost in the initial stages of the German offensive. The focus was on clearing the Germans from key roadways and strategic points that had been used to supply and reinforce German positions. The Allies continued to reinforce their positions, bringing in fresh troops and supplies. The improvement in weather conditions allowed for better air support, which played a crucial role in hindering German movements and supply lines.

The Allied offensive intensified to push the Germans back to their original positions before the Bulge. American, British, and Belgian units coordinated their efforts for a combined push against the weakened German defenses.


06 January 1945

Final days of the battle

The Allied counteroffensive continued from the 6th of January 1945 until the end of the battle on the 25th of January 1945. American, British, and French units worked in concert to press the Germans on multiple fronts. American, British, and French units worked in concert to press the Germans on multiple fronts. The Allies continued to make significant progress, recapturing towns and strategic points that had been lost during the initial stages of the offensive in December. This included the areas around St. Vith and other critical junctions in the Ardennes.

The German forces, recognizing their precarious position and the futility of their situation, started a more organized retreat from the Ardennes, aiming to conserve their forces for the defense of the Reich. By mid-January, the Allies had successfully eliminated the "bulge" that the German offensive had created in the Allied lines. The front was largely restored to its position prior to December 16, 1944.

The last few days of the battle saw the German forces conducting a fighting withdrawal under constant Allied pressure. The Allies continued their advance, recapturing all remaining territories that had been lost and pushing the Germans back into their own territory. The Battle of the Bulge officially ended on January 25, 1945, with the Allies regaining all the ground they had lost and depleting significant German resources in both manpower and materiel.

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