Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Timeline of Angelina Jolie. Overview of her achievements and acting career of this talented woman. View her inspiring life of a great mother and philanthropist.

04 June 1975

The Birth of Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975. Jolie is a famous actress. She is also a filmmaker and a humanitarian. The actress is the daughter of Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. Both of her parents are actors. 

15 September 1995

Her First Big Role

Angelina Jolie’s first major role was in the film ‘Hackers’. The actress played the role of Kate in the film. The fictional character, Kate, was a computer hacker who worked with her friends to unleash an online virus while evading the Secret Service. Angelina rose to stardom after this film.

26 March 2000

Angelina Won her first Academy Award

Angelina Jolie won the award for Best Supporting Actress at the 2000 Oscars award. This was one of the greatest highlights of the actress’ career. This award came after many occasions of the actress receiving nominations.

10 March 2002

Angelina Jolie’s First Adoption

On March 10, 2002, Angelina Jolie adopted her first child in Cambodia. The child was seven months old. The child’s name is Maddox Chivan. The decision to adopt came after the actress had visited Cambodia twice. The two occasions where she was in Cambodia were during the filming of ‘Tomb Raider’ and on a 2001 UNHCR field trip.

14 April 2003

The Sri Lanka Journal

During 2003, the actress went on a week-long mission to Sri Lanka. While on the trip, the actress beckoned to the international community to assist the war-torn country’s journey to recovery. Her mission to Sri Lanka afforded her a first-hand look at what the region had looked like after the 20-year civil war. 

10 June 2005

Angelina Meets Brad Pitt

In 2005, Angelina Jolie met Brad Pitt. They got acquainted during the filming of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’. Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston at the time, but he still fell in love with Angelina Jolie.

06 July 2005

Angelina Jolie Adopts Zahara from Ethiopia

Jolie adopted Zahara from a children orphanage in Addis Ababa. The child was hospitalized for dehydration and malnutrition upon arrival to the United States. The mother of Zahara is still alive and have since shared that Zahara is fortunate. 

27 May 2006

The Birth of Shiloh Nouvel

Angelina Jolie’s daughter, Shiloh Nouvel was born in Namibia on May 27, 2006. The actress decided to sell the first pictures of Shiloh via Getty images. She preferred to do this herself than to allow paparazzi to take and sell the valuable photographs. The actress made $4.1 million from the sale. 

15 March 2007

Angelina Jolie Adopts Pax from Vietnam

On March 15, 2007, Angelina Jolie adopted a three-year-old boy from Vietnam. He was born on November 29, 2003. His original name was Pham Quang Sang. The young boy was abandoned at birth at a local hospital. He was adopted from a children orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City. The child’ received this name from Angelina’s mother before she had died. 

12 July 2008

The Birth of Angelina and Brad’s Twins Knox and Vivienne

Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline were both born on July 12, by c-section. They were born at the Lenval hospital in Nice, France. The actress and Brad Pitt sold the initial pictures of Knox and Vivienne to People and Hello! For $14 million. To date, these are the most expensive celebrity pictures. 

14 May 2013

Angelina Jolie Undergoes a Double Mastectomy

The actress did this as a preventative measure. It was done to stem the spread of breast cancer. The actress did it to assure her children that they do not have to fear losing her to breast cancer. She also believes that it does not at all take away from her femininity. 

01 May 2016

The Founding of Jolie Pitt Dalton Helic

This body was developed to address issues such as women’s rights and international justice. In May, the actress was invited to be a visiting professor at the London School of Economics to contribute to a graduate degree program at the Women, Peace and Security center at the school. 

20 September 2016

Angelina Jolie Files for Divorce from Brad Pitt

After being together since 2004, and after getting married I 2014, the actress filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. Her reason for divorce is “irreconcilable differences’. 

07 August 2020

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Places Divorce on Hold

The two announced on August 7, 2020, though appropriate channels that they are putting the divorce on hold. It has been reported that the two are trying to take a breather and assess the way forward. Brad Pitt has always been very vocal about the role he played in leading the relationship into the state that it is. The actor shared that he grew up with an image of a father that knows it all and is tough. He believes that his perception has affected how he relates to Angelina Jolie and the rest of his family. The actor also shared that he is working on his sobriety.

09 September 2020

Angelina Jolie Makes Huge Donation to Two Young Boys’ lemonade Stand

Popular actress, Angelina Jolie made a very notable donation to two young boys who were running a lemonade stand in London, England. The purpose behind the boys’ lemonade stand was to raise money for the people of Yemen. Yemen is a country that seems to be very close to a humanitarian crisis. The reason for the instability of the country is the Saud-led coalition and Houthi rebels. 

04 October 2020

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