WWII War Begins

WWII War Begins

Timeline of WWII

Dunkirk Evacuation
01 June 1940

Dunkirk Evacuation

The British decided to evacuate their expeditionary force from the harbor at Dunkirk, though they initially expected only about 45,000 troops could be saved.

Hitler and German high command unintentionally gave allies more time at Dunkirk to evacuate by demanding Germany's armored units to pause their advance.

invasion of Poland
01 June 1940

invasion of Poland

German troops were sent to Poland and that made World War II.

Britain and France declared war on Germany, one of Hitlers first major foreign policies after coming to power was to sign a non-aggression pact with Poland.Even tho there was a a non-aggression pact Germany invaded Poland anyways.

Evacuation at Dunkirk
04 June 1940

Evacuation at Dunkirk

The British decided to leave their expeditionary force fro the harbor at Dunkirk.They thought that an estimate of 45,000 troops could be saved.

Hitler and the German high command unintentionally gave the allies more time to leave by demanding that Germany's armored units stop their advance.

Battle of Britain
09 July 1940

Battle of Britain

There were thousands of bombing runs.

Some 23,000 British civilians were killed between July and December 1940.

Thousands of pilots and air crew engaged in battle skies above Britain, Germany and the English channels.

Attack at Pearl Harbor
07 December 1941

Attack at Pearl Harbor

To a certain extent the conflict between United States and Japan stemmed from their competing interests in Chinese markets and Asian natural resources.

The ineffectual Stimson Doctrine guided United States policy for Asia for the next decade.

Battle of Coral Sea
07 May 1942

Battle of Coral Sea

by the end of April 1942 the Japanese were ready to seize control of the coral sea,by establishing air bases at port Moresby in southern new guinea and at tulagi in the southern Solomon.

Battle at Stalingrad
23 August 1942

Battle at Stalingrad

successful soviet defense and the city of Stalingrad during world war II. Russians consider this battle the best battle the have been in of all time .

it stopped the German advance to the soviet union and marked the turning of the tide of war in favor of the allies.

D-Day Invasion
06 June 1944

D-Day Invasion

Normandy invasion also called operation overlord or d-day during world war II, the allied invasion of western Europe

V-E day
08 May 1945

V-E day

After years of combat stretching from the Atlantic ocean to the middle east rumors began to spread in spring 1945 that the German army was close to surrendering.

over the next 6 months the allied forces squeezed the German army along two fronts back to its prewar boarders then by spring the end of the war felt close at hand.

atomic bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
06 August 1945

atomic bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people.

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