Vincent Ekow Assafuah

Vincent Ekow Assafuah

Vincent Ekow Assafuah is a Ghanaian  Member of Parliament representing the Old-Tafo Constituency in the Ashanti Region, previously worked as the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Ministry of Education.

06 September 1990

Early life and education

Vincent Ekow Assafuah was born in Kumasi, attended St. Huberts’ Seminary, holds degrees in political science, economics, development finance, law, and public relations, and is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Public Administration.


06 September 2017


Assafuah became the NASPA National president during his National Service after an unsuccessful USAG presidential election, serving for one year. He previously worked as a special assistant to the Second lady, acted as the Deputy Communication Director of the NPP in 2017, and later became the head of public relations at the Ministry of Education in 2018. He also works as a part-time lecturer at Dominion University College.

06 September 2020


In June 2020, he secured the New Patriotic Party seat for the Old Tafo Constituency, winning the primaries with 299 votes, and later won the 2020 December parliamentary elections with 42,616 votes.

06 September 2023


He serves as a member of both the House Committee and the Education Committee.

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