Paul Danquah

Paul Danquah

Paul Danquah, born Joseph Paul Walcott was a British film actor, known particularly for his role in the film A Taste of Honey (1961), adapted from the 1958 play of the same name written by Shelagh Delaney. He later became a barrister and a bank consultant. His father was the Ghanaian statesman J. B. Danquah

25 May 1925


Joseph Paul Walcott Danquah was born on May 25, 1925 in London, England

Early life and education
12 July 1950

Early life and education

Joseph Paul Walcott, born in London, England, grew up with his English mother and Ghanaian politician father, studied law, became a consultant with the World Bank, and formed friendships with notable African-American artists during his time in Washington.

12 July 1965


Danquah made his acting debut in the British film "A Taste of Honey" in 1961, featuring in the role of Jimmy and sharing an interracial kiss with co-star Rita Tushingham, while also becoming the first black presenter of a children's program in the UK with BBC Two's Play School in 1965; he later lived with Francis Bacon and Peter Pollock in their Battersea flat, arranged for Don Bachardy to draw Bacon, and eventually moved to Tangier with Pollock in the late 1970s, where they discovered a suitcase of Bacon's drawings that were later acquired by the Tate and exhibited in 1999.

12 July 2015


Danquah passed away at the age of 90 in Tangier, and as per his will, he was buried in Boubana Cemetery next to his partner Peter Pollock.

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