Patrick Asare

Patrick Asare

Patrick Asare is a distinguished electrical engineer originating from Ghana.

20 January 1962

Early life

Born in January 1962 in Boadua, Ghana, Patrick Asare's life forms a rich tapestry woven with diverse experiences, with each thread contributing to the intricate narrative of his journey. His formative years in Boadua were molded by the vibrant culture and tight-knit community of Ghana.

20 January 1985


Patrick embarked on academic pursuits in the former Soviet Union after finishing secondary school. At Donetsk National Technical University in the Soviet republic of Ukraine, he delved into the study of electrical engineering. Beyond earning a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, Patrick broadened his expertise by completing a certification program to become a Russian language teacher. His sojourn in the Soviet Union unfolded from 1985 to 1991, aligning with the perestroika era marked by transformative reforms under President Mikhail Gorbachev, which ultimately culminated in the dissolution of the Soviet Union.


20 January 1995

Academic Excellence

Patrick's intellectual journey broadened when he pursued a master's degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University in 1995, a pivotal academic achievement that laid the foundation for his subsequent endeavors. In 2003, Patrick achieved another significant milestone by earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the esteemed Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, enhancing his expertise in both engineering and business.

20 January 2019

Ghana Center for Democratic Development 

Apart from his corporate duties, Patrick has established himself as a prolific writer, delving into social, political, and energy policy topics. His substantial contributions to these crucial conversations have garnered global attention. Additionally, in his role as a Democracy and Development Fellow at the Ghana Center for Democratic Development, a significant think-tank headquartered in Accra, Patrick actively shapes discussions on democratic processes and development initiatives.

11 January 2024

Featured on Chatter that Matters podcast

Patrick Asare was featured on the podcast Chatter that Matters hosted by Tony Chapman. He talked about his relentless determination to never give up and the transformative power of an unstoppable spirit that propelled him to success.

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