Patrick Al-Hassan Adamah

Patrick Al-Hassan Adamah

A Ghanaian Politician Dedicated to Service

23 November 1948


Patrick Al-Hassan Adamah was born in Tumu, a town located in the Upper West Region of Ghana, on November 23, 1948.

30 November 1950


Adamah pursued higher education, obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in English from the esteemed Imperial College. Additionally, he earned an Associate of the Royal School of Mines from the University of London, showcasing his commitment to intellectual growth and diversifying his knowledge base.

09 July 1972

Professional Career

Adamah's professional journey commenced as a Research Mining Engineer at the British Coal, where he worked diligently from 1972 to 1988. Following this, he held the esteemed position of Regional Manager at Kolon Limited, UK Africa, contributing significantly to the company's growth and success until 2007.

09 July 1975

Party Affiliation

As a committed member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Patrick Al-Hassan Adamah aligns himself with the party's principles and ideologies. His affiliation with the NPP reflects his belief in good governance, economic progress, and social development. Adamah's party membership serves as a testament to his commitment to advancing the interests of the Ghanaian people through a cohesive and organized political platform.

09 July 2017

Political Involvement

Patrick Al-Hassan Adamah's foray into politics began with his election as a member of the Seventh Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana, representing the Sissala West Constituency. As a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Adamah garnered widespread support and trust from his constituents. His tenure in the Parliament, from 2017 to 2021, demonstrated his dedication to legislative responsibilities and advocacy for the Sissala West community.

12 July 2017

Constituency and Regional Influence

The Sissala West Constituency, located within the Upper West Region, served as the platform for Adamah's political career. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by his constituents, he tirelessly worked to address their concerns and champion their interests within the parliamentary system. By being actively engaged in his region, Adamah fostered positive relationships with stakeholders, making him a valuable representative for the people of Sissala West.

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