Nii Kwate Owoo

Nii Kwate Owoo

Pioneering Ghanaian Filmmaker and Academia

01 December 1944


Nii Kwate Owoo was born in 1944 in Ghana.

06 July 1968


Nii Kwate Owoo received his education at Mfantsipim School in Cape Coast, Ghana. Following his studies in his home country, Owoo pursued further education in the United Kingdom. He enrolled at the London Film School from 1968 to 1971, where he studied direction, camera work, and editing. Additionally, Owoo attended Isleworth Polytechnic in London, further enhancing his skills in the filmmaking craft.

Breakthrough Documentary: You Hide Me
06 July 1971

Breakthrough Documentary: You Hide Me

One of Owoo's notable achievements is the groundbreaking documentary titled "You Hide Me." Released in 1971, this film holds the distinction of being the first English-speaking independent African documentary. "You Hide Me" tackles a controversial subject matter, shedding light on the theft and concealment of ancient and rare African art housed in the basement of the British Museum.

Ban in Ghana
01 December 1972

Ban in Ghana

Owoo passionately argued for the repatriation of artworks to their rightful place of origin. The film faced banning in Ghana and was rejected by Ghana Television due to its perceived anti-British sentiment. However, these obstacles only contributed to the film's worldwide acclaim and controversy, as it gained significant attention and recognition, especially after being reported on by West Africa Magazine.

06 July 1991

Notable Film Projects

Nii Kwate Owoo has left an indelible mark through his involvement in various film projects. One of his remarkable collaborations was the 1991 feature film "Ama: An African Voyage of Discovery." Co-directed with Kwesi Owusu, the film was produced for Channel 4 television and featured an esteemed cast, including Thomas Baptiste, Anima Misa, and Roger Griffiths. "Ama" made history as the first African film set and shot in the United Kingdom. It broke box-office records in Accra, captivated audiences in London's West End, and garnered international recognition through screenings at Cannes and the African Film Festival in New York City.

Professional Engagements and Contributions
06 July 1993

Professional Engagements and Contributions

Beyond his work as a filmmaker, Nii Kwate Owoo has been actively involved in various professional capacities. From 1993 to 1995, he served as the Managing Editor at Ecrans d'Afrique, Pan-African Federation of Film Producers. Additionally, Owoo established and led the Media Research Unit at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, from 1978 to 2002. Through these roles, he made significant contributions to research and development within the realm of African cinema.

Notable Works in Film and Television
06 July 2002

Notable Works in Film and Television

Throughout his career, Nii Kwate Owoo has created several impactful documentaries and films. Some of his noteworthy works include "Women of Substance" (2002), a documentary produced by the African Women's Development Fund, and "Music and Vision: Kwabena Nketia" (1998), a documentary produced by the International African Music and Research Center. Furthermore, Owoo directed "Treat with Contempt" (1998), a documentary produced by the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research.

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