Kwabena Darko

Kwabena Darko

Kwabena Darko is an entrepreneur, minister of religion and former politician.

Early life
16 July 1942

Early life

Born in 1942 in Ghana, Kwabena Darko began petty trading as a child to help his family. He later pursued part-time trading studies and gained farm management skills after marrying a chicken farm owner. He furthered his education in agriculture at the Ruppin Institute in Israel.

04 July 1967


Kwabena Darko initially worked with Ghana State Farms Corporation, then joined his stepfather's poultry farming venture, expanded it to 100,000 birds, and founded Darko Farms and Company in 1967.

05 July 1978


·      Grand Medal Order of the Volta, National Award for his Contributions to Agriculture - 1978

·      Honorary Certificate for Selfless Devotion to Charity by Christian Voluntary Society - 1978

·      Award by Ghana Animal Science Association for Outstanding Contribution to the Association - 1982

·      Best Farmer Award, Royal Agriculture Show, London - 1984

·      Honorary Member, Ghana Science Association - 1985

·      National Best Poultry Farmer - 1986

·      Meritorious Award for Contribution to Charity by the Ghana National Trust Fund - 1990

·      Certificate of Honor for Voluntary Service and Contribution to Charity by the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development - 1990

·      The First General Superintendent Certificate of Honor Assemblies of God Ghana - 1990

·      Certificate of Honor for Outstanding Contribution to the Ghana Feed Millers Association - 1992

·      Junior Achievement of Ghana Business Hall of Fame - 1992

·      Ordained as a Minister of religion - 2000

·      Honorary Doctorate of Science Degree by KNUST - 2002

·      Honorary Doctorate of Divinity by Global Missions and Bible College, London – 2002





30 June 1992


In 1992, Kwabena Darko ran for president with Naa Afarley Sackeyfio as his running mate. He secured 4th place with 2.8% of the votes. Jerry Rawlings, the eventual winner, accused Darko of engaging in politics.

Spiritual life
03 July 1996

Spiritual life

He was a deacon at the Assemblies of God Church, then became the International Vice-President of FGBMFI. In 1996, he became the General Overseer of Oasis of Love International Church and was ordained as a minister in 2000.

16 July 2003


·      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Darko Farms and Company Limited - 1969–present

·      Chancellor, Regent University College of Science and Technology - 2003–present

·      Member, Nominating Committee of the African Prize for Leadership 1994–Present

·      International Secretary, FGBMFI, Costa Mesa, U.S. 1994–Present

·      General Overseer, The Oasis of Love International Church - 1996–Present

·      Board Member, Oasis International Training Center - 2000–Present

·      External Board Member, The Bank of Ghana - 2001–Present

·      Chairman, Sinapi Aba Trust - 1994–Present

Personal life
05 July 2023

Personal life

Kwabena Darko, married to Rev. Dr. Christiana Darko, is the director of Darko Farms and Company Limited and serves as the International Outreach Director for West Africa at The Women's Aglow Fellowship International.

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