Kobla Mensah Wisdom Woyome

Kobla Mensah Wisdom Woyome

Kobla Mensah Wisdom Woyome is a Member of the Parliament of Ghana, representing South Tongu in the Volta Region.

14 September 1971

Early life and education

Woyome, born in 1971 in Dabala, Ghana, graduated from Presbyterian Boys' Secondary School and University of Ghana with a degree in Computer Science and Statistics, later earning a business administration diploma from GIMPA.

14 September 2009


Kobla Mensah served as the CEO of the Stewise group of companies from 2009 until his election as the MP for South Tongu.

14 September 2012

Political life

He served as a minority member in the 6th parliament of Ghana's 4th republic, holding positions as the ranking member of the Youth, Sports, and Culture Committee and being a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Standing Order Committee.

14 September 2023

Personal life

Kobla Mensah Wisdom Woyome is a Christian affiliated with Action Chapel International and is married with three children.

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