Gen. Francis Adu Amanfoh

Gen. Francis Adu Amanfoh

Ghanaian Army Personnel and Diplomat

Early Life and Education
09 July 1942

Early Life and Education

Gen. Francis Adu Amanfoh was born in Ghana, a country rich in cultural heritage and known for its vibrant history. As a young man, he attended Prempeh College, where he pursued his education and obtained his GCE Advanced level certificate. This academic foundation would prove instrumental in shaping his future endeavors.

Head of Defence Intelligence
10 May 2005

Head of Defence Intelligence

May 2005 marked a significant turning point in Gen. Amanfoh's military career. He was appointed as the Head of Defence Intelligence in the Ghana Armed Forces, demonstrating his expertise in strategic planning and intelligence gathering. In this role, he played a crucial part in safeguarding the nation's security interests by providing accurate and timely intelligence to military decision-makers.

Defamation Lawsuit against Ghana Palaver
09 July 2008

Defamation Lawsuit against Ghana Palaver

In 2008, Gen. Amanfoh found himself embroiled in a legal battle to defend his reputation against defamation. The Ghana Palaver, a prominent newspaper, published stories suggesting that he was a liar. Refusing to let false accusations tarnish his name, Gen. Amanfoh took legal action against the newspaper, seeking compensation of two billion cedis.

Appointment as Ghana's Ambassador to Liberia
03 February 2009

Appointment as Ghana's Ambassador to Liberia

In February 2009, Gen. Francis Adu Amanfoh was appointed as Ghana's ambassador to Liberia. This prestigious diplomatic role allowed him to represent his country on the international stage and strengthen bilateral relations between Ghana and Liberia. His tenure as ambassador lasted until March 2009, during which he worked diligently to promote cooperation and collaboration between the two nations. This appointment was made by the former President of Ghana, John Agyekum Kufour.

Appointment as Ghana's Ambassador to Mali
05 July 2017

Appointment as Ghana's Ambassador to Mali

July 2017 marked another notable appointment in Gen. Amanfoh's diplomatic career. President Nana Akuffo-Addo appointed him as Ghana's ambassador to Mali, a position of great responsibility and trust. This new role presented an opportunity for Gen. Amanfoh to contribute to the diplomatic efforts between Ghana and Mali, fostering stronger ties and promoting regional stability.

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