Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare

Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare

Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare is a Ghanaian lawyer and politician

21 September 1974

Early life and education

Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare was born on March 1, 1974.She attended St. Monica's Secondary School in Mampong, Kumasi, obtaining O & A level certificates. She then earned a Bachelor of Arts from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and studied Law at the University of Ghana, Legon, achieving an LLB with honors in 2002 and a law degree in 2004.

21 September 2004

Law career

Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare began her legal career at Holy Trinity Chambers in Kumasi in 2004, eventually becoming a partner. She also served as a lawyer for the Legal Aid Scheme in the Ashanti Region. She's been on the board of Multi Trust Financial Company since 2004 and is currently a board member of Federation Commodities Limited.

21 September 2009

Tema Oil Refinery

Appointed to the Tema Oil Refinery board in 2009 by the President of Ghana, she served until 2013. Then, on March 1, 2013, President John Dramani Mahama appointed her to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Creative Arts.

21 September 2013

Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Creative Arts

Appointed on March 1, 2013, by President John Dramani Mahama as the Minister of Tourism, Culture & Creative Arts, overseeing 14 agencies and introducing innovative tourism programs to enhance Ghana's offerings.

21 September 2015

International roles

Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare, during her tenure as Sector Minister of Tourism, significantly promoted Ghana's tourism internationally by participating in major tourism fairs and exhibitions. She successfully lobbied for Ghana to host the first-ever Brand Africa conference and played an active role in international tourism matters, leading to Ghana's election to the UNWTO Executive Council.

21 September 2023



She serves on both the Health Committee and the Appointments Committee.

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