Dominic Aduna Bingab Nitiwul

Dominic Aduna Bingab Nitiwul

Dominic Aduna Bingab Nitiwul is a Ghanaian politician, representing the Bimbilla constituency in the Northern Region as an MP, and serving as the Minister of Defence of Ghana.

Early life and Education
04 November 1977

Early life and Education

Dominic Nitiwul pursued his education at a number of universities in Ghana, Germany, and the UK. In 1992, Dominic finished his O-level coursework at St. Charles Secondary and Seminary School. He obtained credentials from the International Academy for Leadership in Germany in conflict management and prevention in 2003 and 2005, respectively. He earned a Master of Laws in corporate finance from the University of Westminster and a Master of Business Administration in finance from the University of South Wales.

Member of Parliament
02 July 2002

Member of Parliament

Nitiwul won a seat in Ghana's parliament in 2002. In both the Pan-African Parliament and the Ghanaian Parliament, he has held numerous committee positions. These include the committees on finance, monetary and financial affairs, business, appointments, youth and sports, roads and transportation, and education. From 2012 until 2016, he served as the Deputy Minority Leader of the Ghanaian Parliament.

2016 Parliamentary election
06 July 2016

2016 Parliamentary election

By defeating Dr. Joseph Mamboah Rockson, a candidate for the National Democratic Congress, Nitiwul won the 2016 parliamentary elections for his district.

Cabinet Minister
09 July 2018

Cabinet Minister

Dominic Nitiwul was one of the 19 ministers selected by President Nana Akufo-Addo in May 2017 to make up his cabinet. The names of the 19 ministers were submitted to the Ghanaian Parliament and made public by Rt. Hon. Prof. Mike Ocquaye, Speaker of the House.Nitiwul is a member of the president's inner circle and is tasked with supporting important national decision-making processes as a Cabinet minister.

Developmental projects
08 July 2020

Developmental projects

To improve the lives of his residents, Nitiwul has started development projects in Bamboi.In order to extend electricity to 16 settlements, he had 69 boreholes sunk in a variety of communities within his constituencies. He constructed school blocks, twelve road projects, and two clinics.

Minister of Defence
30 June 2021

Minister of Defence

Nitiwul was a member of the first group of ministers designate named by President Nana Akuffo-Addo on January 13, 2017.He was put forth for the Ministry of Defense. This was accomplished following the 2016 general election victory of his party, the New Patriotic Party, in Ghana. The president recommended that Mr. Nitiwul continue serving as the minister of Defense on the list that was submitted to parliament for approval on January 21, 2021.

Galamsey fight
06 July 2022

Galamsey fight

Nitiwul, as Minister of Defense, prioritizes stopping illegal miners, also known as galamseyers, in Ghana. Illegal miners cause environmental damage and contamination of drinking water. He collaborates with the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and the military to confiscate equipment, evict miners, and rehabilitate degraded lands.

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