Busia Kofi Abrefa

Busia Kofi Abrefa

Kofi Abrefa Busia was a Ghanaian political figure and scholar. Serving as the Prime Minister of Ghana from 1969 to 1972, he played a key role as a nationalist leader in restoring civilian government after a period of military rule.

Birth of Busia Kofi Abrefa
11 July 1913

Birth of Busia Kofi Abrefa

Busia Kofi Abrefa was born in the Gold Coast, which is now Ghana. He was the farmer's and a Christian teacher's son. The Methodist Primary School served as Abrefa's first educational institution, and he then attended the Presbyterian Middle Boys School.

As a Teacher
11 June 1934

As a Teacher

After earning his degree from the Government Training College in Accra, Busia Kofi Abrefa started his profession as a teacher. He worked as a teacher at a number of Gold Coast schools and then entered politics by joining the United Gold Coast Convention.

Chosen to serve in the Legislative Assembly
12 June 1951

Chosen to serve in the Legislative Assembly

Busia Kofi Abrefa was chosen to represent the Wenchi seat in the Legislative Assembly. Then he was named Minister of Local Government and Rural Development after serving as Minister of Education. Abrefa was a close associate of Kwame Nkrumah and played a significant role in the struggle for Ghana's independence.

As Prime Minister of Ghana
17 June 1969

As Prime Minister of Ghana

Busia Kofi Abrefa was elected prime minister of Ghana by his Progress Party, which also won the elections. Abrefa took measures to advance rural development, raise educational standards, and increase employment prospects while serving as prime minister. He also adopted a detente strategy with the nations around him.

Overthrown in a military coup
13 January 1972

Overthrown in a military coup

The military coup headed by Ignatius Kutu Acheampong resulted in the toppling of Busia Kofi Abrefa's administration. Abrefa fled to exile in London, where he carried on his political activism and published numerous books. He passed away in London on August 28, 1978.

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