Bright Simons

Bright Simons

A Trailblazer in Technology, Innovation, and Social Entrepreneurship

18 July 2002


Bright Simons' journey began in Ghana, where he attended the Presbyterian Boys' Senior High School (PRESEC) in the Greater Accra Region. A young leader even then, he served as the President of the Student Representative Council in his final year. His academic brilliance earned him a scholarship to study Astrophysics at Durham University in the UK.

Founding mPedigree
18 July 2013

Founding mPedigree

In 2013, Bright Simons became the President of the mPedigree Network, a social enterprise dedicated to exposing counterfeit medicines and ensuring product authenticity through its innovative computer program, Goldkeys. Collaborating with governments, Fortune 500 companies, and activists, mPedigree has been instrumental in ensuring the safety of essential medicines and consumer products in several countries.

Pioneering Vaccine Quality Detection
18 July 2014

Pioneering Vaccine Quality Detection

As a career inventor and innovator, Bright Simons spearheaded projects focusing on vaccine quality detection using novel organo-sensors. Leading the Koldchain team, he explored the use of these sensors in the vaccine supply chain. Additionally, he played a crucial role in developing the digital health networks essential for biomedical security and intelligence.

Acknowledgment and Recognition
18 July 2016

Acknowledgment and Recognition

Bright Simons' exceptional contributions have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the numerous awards and accolades he has received. He is a Skoll Awardee, a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, and a TED Fellow, among others. In 2016, Fortune magazine named him one of the 50 World Greatest Leaders, further solidifying his position as a global trailblazer.

Notable Affiliations and Advisory Roles
18 July 2018

Notable Affiliations and Advisory Roles

Simons' expertise and vision have led to his appointment to several prestigious advisory boards and initiatives. Notable among them are the Microsoft Africa Advisory Council, the Lancet Commission on the Future of Health in Africa, the World Economic Forum's Africa Strategy Group, and the Center for Global Development's Study Group on Technology, to name a few.

Contributions to Media and Research
18 July 2020

Contributions to Media and Research

Bright Simons is a prolific writer, sharing his insights through various platforms. He writes for reputable publications such as the Huffington Post, Harvard Business Review Digital, and the Royal African Society's online magazine, African Arguments. His expertise in business and innovation has also made him a regular contributor to the BBC's Business Daily programs.

Recognitions and Awards
18 July 2023

Recognitions and Awards

Over the years, Bright Simons has garnered several prestigious recognitions and awards for his pioneering work in technology and social entrepreneurship. From being included in MIT Technology Review's list of top innovators under 35 to receiving the Eliasson Global Leadership Prize and the International Foundation for Africa Innovation's lifetime achievement award, his impact has been truly commendable.

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