Apple Car

Apple's electric car project (codenamed 'Titan'), focused on building an autonomous vehicle.

31 december 2007

31 december 2013

30 april 2016

15 juli 2016

24 juli 2016

31 januari 2017

21 mei 2017

31 mei 2017

31 mei 2019

30 november 2020

2 september 2021

7 september 2021

8 september 2021

29 februari 2024

31 December 2007

Steve Jobs Discussed Building Apple Car in 2008, Nest CEO Says

31 December 2013

🚗 Project Titan

Apple began working on "Project Titan," with upwards of 1,000 car experts and engineers developing an electric vehicle at a secret location near the company's Cupertino headquarters.

Over the course of the last several years, there's been a lot of back and forth on the Apple Car project. Early rumors said that Apple would build a full car, but then leadership struggles, development issues, and internal strife led to rumors that the project had been scaled back and would instead focus on self-driving technology.

30 April 2016

Elon Musk statement

In 2016, Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk stated that Apple will probably make a compelling electric car: "It's pretty hard to hide something if you hire over a thousand engineers to do it." In May 2016, there were reports indicating Apple was interested in electric car charging stations.

15 July 2016

Bob Mansfield returned

As a result of the internal issues, in January of 2016, Steve Zadesky announced plans to exit the project, leaving questions as to who would take over following his departure. In July of 2016, former Apple exec Bob Mansfield, who had retired from Apple in 2012, returned to lead the electric vehicle team.

24 July 2016

Apple hired Dan Dodge

The Wall Street Journal reported on July 25, 2016 that Apple had convinced retired senior hardware engineering executive Bob Mansfield to return and take over the Titan project. A few days later, on July 29, Bloomberg Technology reported that Apple had hired Dan Dodge, the founder and former chief executive officer of QNXBlackBerry Ltd.’s automotive software division. According to Bloomberg, Dodge's hiring heralded a shift in emphasis at Apple's Project Titan, in which the company will give first priority to creating software for autonomous vehicles. However, the story said that Apple would continue to develop a vehicle of its own. On September 9, The New York Times reported dozens of layoffs in an effort to reboot, presumably from a team still numbering around 1,000.

31 January 2017

Testing self-driving vehicles

Since early 2017, Apple has been testing self-driving vehicles on public roads in California, using several 2015 Lexus RX450h SUVs leased from Hertz. The SUVs have been spotted on the streets of Cupertino host of sensors and cameras as Apple prepares its self-driving software, and testing has ramped up over the years.

21 May 2017

Apple’s Self-Driving Car Spotted on 101 in Palo Alto

31 May 2017

Tim Cook talks about Apple's autonomous driving software

In June of 2017, Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke publicly about Apple's work on autonomous driving software, confirming the company's work in a rare candid moment. Apple doesn't often share details on what it's working on, but when it comes to the car software, it's harder to keep quiet because of regulations.

"We're focusing on autonomous systems. It's a core technology that we view as very important. We sort of see it as the mother of all AI projects. It's probably one of the most difficult AI projects actually to work on." -- Apple CEO Tim Cook on Apple's plans in the car space.

31 May 2019

Apple acquired

30 November 2020

Confirmed Apple still working to launch car

It was said that Apple is planning to release a vehicle in three to six years.

02 September 2021

Apple hires two Mercedes engineers

07 September 2021

Project chief Doug Field leaves Apple

08 September 2021

Apple Watch Chief Kevin Lynch Now Leading Apple Car Efforts

Apple VP of technology Kevin Lynch is taking over the Apple Car project and will be replacing Doug Field, who is moving to Ford, reports Bloomberg.

29 February 2024

Possible prototype

Reuters believes Apple is aiming to begin production on a car in 2024