Alhassan Bashir Fuseini, also known as Alhaji A.B.A Fuseini is a journalist and Ghanaian politician. He served as the former Deputy Northern Regional Minister of Ghana and is currently a Member of Parliament representing the Sagnarigu constituency in the Northern Region.
Born on February 2, 1956, in Tamale, Northern Region, Ghana, Fuseini pursued his secondary education at Yendi Secondary School and T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Kumasi. He earned his first degree at the University of Ghana, followed by a master's degree in Human Rights from Essex University, UK, and a Post Graduate Diploma from the International Institute of Journalism, Berlin.
Fuseini successfully contested for the Sagnarigu seat in the 2012 parliamentary election, securing a position in Parliament.
Night Editor at Daily Graphic, Deputy Regional Minister for Northern Region from 2013 to 2017, currently serving a second term as a Member of Parliament, and also working as a Consultant.
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