Adama Sulemana

Adama Sulemana

Adama Sulemana is a Ghanaian politician representing the Tain constituency in the Bono region of Ghana as a Member of Parliament.

19 September 1978

Early life and education

Adama, born on March 6, 1978.He is from Nsawkaw in the  Bono region of Ghana. He completed his BECE in 1989 and 1992, SSSCE in 1995, followed by a Bachelor of Education in Psychology in 2006 and a Master of Philosophy in Psychology in 2009.

19 September 2010

Early life and education

Adama previously served as the DCE of Tain under the Ministry of Local Government and worked as a Health Teacher under the Ministry of Health.

19 September 2020

Political career

Adama currently holds the position of MP for the Tain Constituency, securing victory with 45.4% of the total votes cast, while the NPP parliamentary aspirant Gabriel Osei received 40.9%.

19 September 2023


Adama serves as a member of both the Standing Orders Committee and the Communications Committee.

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