 Tagoe Sisters

Tagoe Sisters

The Inspiring Journey of Ghanaian Gospel Music Queens

27 July 1965


Tagoe Sisters, the gospel duo consisting of twin sisters Lydia Dedei Yawson and Elizabeth Korkoi Tagoe, has been a powerful force in the gospel music industry for over two decades. Born to the late Hammond Ayikwei Tagoe and Madam Theresa Aidoo on July 27, 1965, in Ghana, these talented sisters have shared their inspiring music, faith, and passion with people worldwide.

20 July 1970


Lydia and Elizabeth were born and raised in Ghana to a family with strong cultural roots. They attended Alogboshie primary and middle schools, near Achimota in Accra. Despite having an interest in singing from a young age, they pursued dressmaking at YMCA initially. However, their calling for music was too strong to ignore, leading them to embark on a musical journey.

The "I am Three Sisters" Era
20 July 1971

The "I am Three Sisters" Era

In the early days of their music career, the twins formed a trio called "I am Three Sisters" alongside Hannah Tsia Mensah. They showcased their talent as backup singers for prominent musicians such as Felix Bell and G Man, gaining valuable experience and exposure in the industry.

Spiritual Mentorship and Musical Milestones
20 July 1983

Spiritual Mentorship and Musical Milestones

In 1983, the Tagoe Sisters joined the Open Bible Church International, where they encountered the male singing group, the Advent Heralds. This collaboration marked the beginning of their significant impact on Ghana's contemporary gospel music scene. Their encounter with the late Reverend Francis Akwasi Amoako became a pivotal moment as he became their spiritual mentor. Under Rev. Amoako's guidance, they toured extensively across Ghana, gaining recognition and acclaim for their musical prowess. Their first album, "Nyame ye Kese," written by the Advent Heralds, was released in 1987, followed by albums like "Orekyekye" and "Stay In My Heart" in 1988.

A Tragic Loss and Renewed Inspiration
20 July 1990

A Tragic Loss and Renewed Inspiration

Tragedy struck in 1990 when they lost their spiritual leader, Rev. Francis Akwasi Amoako, in a fatal accident while returning from a crusade in Takoradi. However, their faith in God remained steadfast, and they soon crossed paths with Reverend Dr. Thomas Harry Yawson, who became their songwriter and director. Lydia eventually married Rev. Dr. Thomas Yawson, and Elizabeth started a family of her own.

Discography and Global Impact
12 July 2023

Discography and Global Impact

Throughout their illustrious career, Tagoe Sisters has released numerous soul-stirring gospel albums that have transcended cultural and political barriers. Their music has touched hearts and inspired people worldwide. Their unique two-part singing style and harmonies have become a hallmark in the gospel music landscape, influencing other gospel duos and trios.

Awards and Recognitions
19 July 2023

Awards and Recognitions

The Tagoe Sisters' exceptional talent and dedication have earned them several prestigious awards and recognitions. They have been honored by organizations such as Entertainment Critics & Reviewers Association of Ghana, National Christian Awards Committee, Ebony, Ghana Music Awards, and Konkoma Awards, among others.

Philanthropic Endeavors
20 July 2023

Philanthropic Endeavors

Outside their music career, Lydia became a caterer, and Elizabeth pursued event planning. The twins founded the Tagoe Twin Foundation, a charitable organization supporting mothers who use their twin children to beg for alms. Additionally, they established the Tagoe Sisters Association, aimed at empowering twin mothers to support each other.

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